Pre-School & Kindergarten
We Feel a comfortable and friendly classroom atmosphere is very important for your little ones. Children are very enthusiastic when we use singing and pretending to enhance their creative abilities. Children also learn to take turns, know their directions, count, and learn many basic dance fundamentals. We make dance fun in a way that encourages learning while yet maintaining discipline. We offer a 60 minute class of Tap/Ballet/Tumbling for our 3 year olds and a Tap/Ballet/Jazz for our 4 & 5 year olds. Tap and ballet students will do two routines in the Recital with one ready made costume. We also offer a seperate 30 minute tumbling class.

Primary Dance Class
This class is a combination of tap, ballet, and jazz for 1-1/2 hour class for first grade and older. Our main goal is to develop a positive attitude towards dance and learning skills. Basic ballet barre, body placement, and center floor steps. Ballet is a wonderful exercise for improving posture, grace of motion, and muscle tone. Tap is great for coordination, rhythm, and instills the ability to think quickly. Jazz is a strong energetic, sharp and powerful form of dance full of leaps, turns and tricks with dynamic style. This class performs a tap, ballet, and jazz routine in the Recital with three costumes.
Intermediate/Advance Dance Class
Classes are constructed like our Primary Classes at 1 hour and 45 minutes. These classes are designed for the more advanced student, move at a rapid pace and develop more advanced skills while building self confidence and grace.
Classes available at levels from beginner through advanced.
Beginners: work on various rolls, cartwheels, back-bends, bridges, limbering skills with emphasis on balance and flexibility.
Intermediate: move onto the skills of front and back limbers, walk-overs, arabians, flips and an introduction to power tumbling.
Advanced: this level works at further development of power tumbling and aerial work.
Hip Hop/Jazz Funk
This is for children who really enjoy today's music. Hip Hop combines street jazz, break dance, and a touch of jazz.
Ballet Technique/Pointe
This class is for the development of strong technical ballet training. A strong emphasis on classical barre work and floor technique. Classes range in length from one hour to one hour and 45 minutes depending on age and ability. Students eligible for pointe shoes must be at least 10 years of age. When the teacher feels a students is ready for pointe shoes you will receive a letter from the studio.
Technique Classes Classes are 30 to 45 minutes in length
Jazz: Technical class for additional study of technique and progressions across the floor.
Lyrical: Class in expressive form of interpretive ballet.
Leaps & Stretch: Class for exta practice in flexibilty and leaps.
Turns & Core: Class for strengthening your center and turns.
Students may wear any type of dance-wear to class. No sweats, warm-up suits, or boxer shorts. Pink Ballets are to be worn by all ballet students. Suntan Tap shoes are used by all ages. Jazz Classes wear Suntan jazz shoes. New Students do not need shoes until October 1st. This enables them to try out the class and make sure they like it first. Dancers should have some type of bag to transport and help keep track of their shoes. Put names on all shoes. Hair is to be pulled back out of the child's face. Looking like a dancer helps you be a better dancer. No Gum allowed in or around the studio.
Recital Performance
The climax of our dance year will be our Recital at the end of the season. The Recital will be held in June. Taking great pride in the progress of our students, we set out to achieve the total experience in fulfillment of dance by presenting our students in an exciting and professional production. Each year's work of discipline, determination, and dedication rises to performing on the big stage. Our studio charges a Recital performance fee to cover the cost of the production. Parents will receive tickets at no additional cost. The performance fee is due in October. A handling fee is added if the fee is not paid by this date. No Refunds.